Talking about the future of Indonesia we must look back to the past history of this nation. Historically speaking, before the existence of Indonesia as a nation, this country consisted of so many kingdoms. For example Banten kingdom, Demak kingdom, Gowa kingdom, Majapahit kingdom, Mataram kingdom, Pajajaran kingdom, Sriwijaya kingdom, Tarumanegara kingdom and others.
Following the kingdom phase was the period of colonization. In this period Nusantara was occupied by the Dutch for about three hundred fifty years and continued by the Japanese for three and half years. Another phase is called the period of national awakening. In this period the spirit of nationalism and unity arose in the hearts of several enlightened young people. This period was marked by two important events: the establishment of Budi Utomo organization ( May 20, 1908 ) and the declaration of Youth Oath ( October 28, 1928 ).
The declaration of Youth Oath in October 28, 1928 was an authentic evidence of the birth of Indonesian nation. Therefore, it stands to reason that all people of Indonesia should celebrate the twenty-eighth of October as the birthday of Indonesian nation. This declaration was a fruit of a long struggle of Indonesian people against the power of imperialism. Seventeen years afterward Indonesian people, lead by Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, was able to proclaim the independence of Indonesia. This historical event took place in August 17, 1945. Soekarno was elected as the president and Mohammad Hatta the vice president of this new nation.
The next period was called the reformation era, marked by the handing over of the power from President Soeharto to BJ Habibie. Soeharto resigned in May 21, 1998 due to severe demonstrations throughout the country. He was critisized by Indonesian people, especially university students for his inability to overcome unending financial crisis.
This unending financial crisis continues until now. Other crises take place also in several fields, such as politics, law, education, moral, and culture. In the meantime, corruption takes place in almost all levels of administration, including in the legislative bodies. Some experts criticized that the administration is seriously suffered from the so called cleptocracy, meaning the government by thieves or corruptors.
Some of you might ask a question: “So, what we have to do to save our beloved nation?”
The answer is simple, but the implementation is very difficult. First of all we have to realize that the most pressing problem we are facing now is corruption; and this is related to the deterioration of nation character. Values such as honesty, integrity, solidarity, cooperation, emphaty and unity have been forgotten by many people. Those values, I think, should be revitalized and implemented in our lives. The question is how to revitalize those values ? One way is through education --- informal, non-formal and formal ones. Another way is through law enforcement. Finally, both formal and informal leaders of this nation should observe a good example, so that other people may follow the leaders’ footsteps. Last but not least, we must always pray to Allah SWT. May God bless this beloved nation a peaceful life and a bright future.
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